Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Politics is

My definition of politics: The struggle between some for dominance of influence over others.

All organizations have a hierarchical aspect. Since not all are members of successively higher levels, and since more then one desires membership in the higher levels, there is naturally a struggle for membership. Since membership in a higher level implies influence over the lowers, by definition there is politics in every organization.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Religion: The art of finding truth
Science: The art of proving truths
Leadership: The religion of relationships
Management: The science of relationships
Truth: All are related

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The problem with following a path so to not get lost is that when you reach your destination you are lost because you are now off the path.

Leaders can make any location a destination. By not following a path, they will never be lost.